We pride ourselves on being able to offer a wealth of experience and hosting friendly, efficient lessons for all
ages and abilities. Below are just some of the wonderful comments we receive from our clients....

Our new horse will be arriving tomorrow. We would both like to thank you and Neil for allowing us to have lessons at your Riding School, we have learnt so much and enjoyed every minute.
All the horses are fantastic and everyone is so friendly and welcoming. We will miss Jaffa and Milo.
You are both fabulous instructors and we highly recommend you to everyone we speak to.
Nicola and Jo

I have been riding at Tinsleys since I was five. Sue and Neil are amazing and have really helped develop my riding.
My brother and I shared Star on the Horse Scheme which taught me how to look after a horse and improved my confidence.
The next year my brother had Troy and I had Pepper.
My first Dressage test at Keysoe was with Skippy, which I loved. Sue was very kind and supportive. I have also done a Dressage test on Austin.
I now have my own pony Paddy and have joined Pony Club.
Thank you, Sue and Neil for all your help.

Tinsleys is the most welcoming and friendly Riding School you will ever find. Neil and Sue are both professional and approachable at all time. Whatever your ability you will find a horse to suit you. The horses are all so well cared for, resulting in very happy relaxed horses. Overall a wonderful, nurturing environment, where you will develop your riding skills in no time at all.
Sue B

I remember riding at Tinsleys for the first time when I was seven.
My sister was on Sixpence and I was on Mac.
I really enjoyed it and I remember how friendly Sue and Neil were, they would never get annoyed when they had to keep telling me to shorten my reins because they looked like washing lines! and to put my lower leg back and my toes forward.
I shared Star with my sister on the Horse Scheme one summer, he was so calm and would not get irritated when we took ages tacking up.
Very soon after Star, I took Rio to my first Dressage Test and Sue was very supportive and caring, even though I thought she would throttle me after I made two errors in one of my tests.
I followed on the next summer with Troy on the Horse Scheme, his temperament is similar to Star. My sister had Pepper on the Scheme, who loved having her mane plaited and she bought her a pink-studded sparkling brow band, but I don't think Neil loved it so much!
My sister and I now share our own horse, but if it wasn't for Sue and Neil we would have never got to the stage of riding that we are now.

Tinsleys Riding School is an amazing place where you can learn about all aspects of riding and caring for your horse.Neil and Sue are great, always giving excellent guidence on your riding skills and ways to improve. Last year I took part in the Horse Scheme, I had Star on the scheme and really enjoyed it, he is a lovely pony and I think he has got to know me. I definatly feel that being around the horses has increased my confidence and has given me a good knowledge of horse care.All of the horses at Tinsleys are well tempered and really nice to ride.I would highly recommend
this stables to any rider of any ability - Daisy M-M.

For nearly 30years we as a family have been immersed in the life at Tinsleys. Our experience has literally spanned the generations, with Mum and Godmother ( in their 60,s now), myself, my nephew and two of my children. The horses at Tinsleys are well trained and extremely patient with the diverse range of abilities of the riders! Everyone has a favourite but we are all encouraged to ride different horses - size dependant of course! It is not just the riding that Sue and Neil teach you, they are encouraging all round knowledge of the horses. The length of time that many of us have been at Tinsleys is testimony to the care, patience and simple determination that Sue and Neil have for us to progress and the quality of the horses that they have - Lisa W

I have been riding at Tinsleys for about two years and have loved every moment of it! All the horses
are very well looked after and lovely to ride. Sue and Neil are great instructors, they have made me a
much better rider. At first I was very attched to Polly and then I was asked to ride Sixpence. I started
crying, but Sue helped me on and since then I have loved riding Sixpence. I now feel I can ride a
variety of horses. My favourite horse is Sixpence, he is small like me, which makes him easy to untack
and he is a lovely colour. Not only is he my favourite horse, he is my best friend - Sarah-Jane

In February this year I took part in the Horse Scheme taster week and following that I was lucky enough
to be able to take Polly on the scheme. This scheme is a fantastic way of riding more and having some
responsibility for a horse but all within the security of the expertise of Neil and Sue. And of course I still have my weekly
lesson to look forward to! I have no hesitation in recommending Tinsleys: once you try riding lessons
here you will be hooked - C G

Having ridden as a child it was with some trepidation that two years ago I finally plucked up the courage
to start riding again (the gap was well over 30 years!). Tinsleys was recommended to me by various people
and from the very first phone contact with Sue I knew I had made the right choice. Yes, I was stiff after
the first few lessons, but my weekly hour at Tinsleys quickly became the highlight of my week. There is a
real sense of camaraderie amongst the riders, of whatever age and skill, and this is a real tribute to
the atmosphere of encouragement (and patience!) created by Neil and Sue

I first started riding at Tinsleys Riding School 28 years ago. I was a complete novice.
Right from the start I have had the best tuition from both Sue and Neil. I was able to
go on the Horse Scheme with my daughter, Sarah, which was great. I had always dreamed
of owning my own horse and the Horse Scheme gave Sarah and I the insight into what it
really would be like to own a horse. I was very lucky 6 years ago to be able to have
my own horse, Arnie, which I keep at Tinsleys on full livery. I thank Sue and Neil
for all the help and support I have received over the years. I love going to the yard
with Sarah as it is a big part of our lives
- Jo M

I first started riding at Tinsleys when I was 9, 16 years ago. I absolutely love riding and
enjoy going to the stables with my mother, Jo. I have been lucky enough to have a few horses
on the Horse Scheme. I now share Arnie with my mother. I have competed in many dressage
competitions at both preliminary and novice levels. I enjoy competing as it gives
me goals to work towards when I ride in my group training sessions and private lessons. The
tuition I have received from both Sue and Neil has enabled me to do very well at competitions
- Sarah M

I started riding at Tinsleys as a complete beginner 12 years ago. I progressed up to varying levels of
lessons and a couple of years on, I took part in the Horse Scheme. During this time, I learnt how to
care for and take responsibility of the pony I had on the scheme. I was able to ride regularly and practice
the exercises I had learnt in my weekly lessons. Whilst participating on the Horse Scheme I started to
take part in some unaffiliated dressage competitions, which is how my love for dressage began. A couple
of years later I had my own dressage horse that I kept on livery at Tinsleys.
We trained hard under the
watchful eye of Sue and Neil, and started to compete in British Dressage Affiliated competitions. We
progressed up the dressage levels and successfully qualified and competed at 3 British Dressage Summer
and Winter Regionals. I have always found Tinsleys to be a professional and welcoming yard. Sue and Neil's
emphasis is always on the well-being of the horse as well as the safety of both horse and rider. Their
vast knowledge and understanding of the sport means that they always get the best from you and a lot
of fun is had along the way!
- Jess 0

I would highly recommend Tinsleys Riding School. It is a small but friendly yard
that caters for all levels. It has a range of horses and ponies to suit all riders
from beginners to those who wish to compete - Sue F

Approximately ten years ago I realised that instead of standing around in the rain and wind watching my wife ride I actually should try it for myself, I therefore had a word with Sue and Neil and arranged to have secret lessons. We all (Sue, Neil, myself and all the other people at the school) managed to keep the secret until all was revealed, I have been having lessons since then gradually improving under the expert tuition of Sue and Neil.
The school possesses a number of horses and ponies with sizes to suit people of all ages and sizes. They are all well trained and all capable of competition work, the horses that is, not the people, that comes with training and dedication both of which you get from Tinsley's.
Tinsley's run a marvellous horse scheme where the rider has one of the horses/ponies on loan. This is almost like having your own horse but without the costs of farrier's vets and food bills. The cost includes a free lesson per week and the ability to ride your horse every day. Competition work, mainly dressage, is encouraged and well supported by both Sue and Neil. I can honestly say that without the support and encouragement of both Sue and Neil black and all at Tinsley's Riding School I probably wouldn't be riding now, it is great fun and can be enjoyed by everyone whatever your age. My wife and I are now in our sixties and are still enjoying riding. This is as much to do with the people you meet there who are all very friendly as with the whole atmosphere around Tinsley's - Richard F

After a few years of riding lessons at Tinsleys I wanted to learn more about horses so I could find out if owning a horse was the right move for me, so I joined the Horse Scheme. I have been part of the Horse Scheme since 2008, and I am still learning everyday. Being paired with Austin gives me the opportunity to learn his little ways, so in some ways Austin feels like my own horse but without the extra financial and time pressures!
I love being part of the Horse Scheme, it has helped me increase my knowledge of horses, in and out of the saddle, and its a great way for me to wind down after a day at work! I have competed in dressage competitions; I am still aiming for a 1st place rosette, also a 4th place rosette, just to complete the set! -
Holly A