If owning your own horse or pony seems a little daunting, but you would like to do more than maybe your weekly ride this could
be a good choice for you. Please ask for further details when you next visit or call Sue on 07843744963 or 07858086578

I first started riding at Tinsleys when I was 9, 16 years ago. I absolutely love riding and
enjoy going to the stables with my mother, Jo. I have been lucky enough to have a few horses
on the Horse Scheme. I now share Arnie with my mother. I have competed in many dressage
competitions at both preliminary and novice levels. I enjoy competing as it gives
me goals to work towards when I ride in my group training sessions and private lessons. The
tuition I have received from both Sue and Neil has enabled me to do very well at competitions
- Sarah M

After a few years of riding lessons at Tinsleys I wanted to learn more about horses so I could find out if owning a horse was the right move for me, so I joined the Horse Scheme. I have been part of the Horse Scheme since 2008, and I am still learning everyday. Being paired with Austin gives me the opportunity to learn his little ways, so in some ways Austin feels like my own horse but without the extra financial and time pressures!
I love being part of the Horse Scheme, it has helped me increase my knowledge of horses, in and out of the saddle, and its a great way for me to wind down after a day at work! I have competed in dressage competitions; I am still aiming for a 1st place rosette, also a 4th place rosette, just to complete the set!
- Holly A